Cuso International West

Your Passport to Global Citizenship

CUSO-VSO 50th Anniversary, Greg Spendjian, Served in Sierra Leone 1972-73, Nigeria 1973-75 and Papua New Guinea 1977-80, Podcast #222

Cuso International

Dec 18 2010

Greg Spendjian began a lifelong career in international development with a placement in Sierra Leone in 1972-73. After graduating from UBC with a post-doc degree in Chemistry, Greg taught Agriculture graduates at Njala University College in Sierra Leone. Later, Greg worked as a field officer in Nigeria and Papua New Guinea, as well as working for CUSO-VSO as a recruiter in Canada. Greg's involvement in development has continued ever since, and he has also worked with CIDA and the IDRC in Ottawa.

Greg spoke with Mark Manns, a CUSO-VSO volunteer, at the 50th Anniversary event at UBC on December 4, 2010.

This podcast was recorded during CUSO-VSO's 50th Anniversary Kick-off celebrations in Vancouver, BC. CUSO-VSO is proud to honor 15,000 volunteers and 35 million service hours in over 40 countries. The views expressed in these podcasts do not necessarily reflect the views of CUSO-VSO or its supporters. At CUSO-VSO, we believe we are changing the world, one volunteer at a time.